App icon for Stash


A flexible and exciting cryptocurrency exchange


UI, UX, & Brand


12 Weeks


Adobe XD
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Mockup of lights illuminating laptop on the stash home page

Product Overview

Stash is a secure exchange website that allows direct peer-to-peer cryptocurrency transactions and can be easily used as a custodial wallet on any device.


The complexity of crypto exchanges feel like a chore to invest time and money in rather than an enjoyable experience into blockchain technology.

The Goal

The purpose of Stash is to make cryptocurrency enjoyable, understandable and easy to use for all types of users.


Data Visuals

Design an intuitive and simple interface that empower users to interact with crypto


Create an effortless browsing experience across devices


Provide clear and comprehensive descriptions with visuals that users can easily understand

Phone mockup displaying mobile version of Stash

User Research

After conducting competitive analysis, interviews and creating empathy maps, I discovered that many target users are initially excited to buy or sell the cryptocurrency of their choice but become overwhelmed by the complex transaction process. New and experienced investors enjoy trading and want to learn about cryptocurrencies however are frustrated by the cluttered navigation and confusing terminology.

Meet The Users

Woman with curly hair smiling at camera
Aria Biles
Age: 26
Occupation: IT Specialist

Aria is a 26-year old IT support specialist who works five days of the week and consistently purchases crypto on her free time during the weekend. She is frustrated with the lack of data showing how much profit she has made or lost on cryptocurrency exchange websites. As a weekly investor, she is disappointed with the absence of news updates and customer support such as stock websites.

  • Easy to understand visual and text data with profit gains and loss
  • News updates providing information to answer investor questions
  • 24/7 access to customer support
  • Lack of data to show profits and loss
  • Absence of updates provided on specific cryptocurrency on exchange websites
  • Exchanges have lack of customer support
Man wearing a hat with glasses and smiling at the camera. Behind him are paintings
Lance Gurrera
Age: 42
Occupation: Illustrator

Lance is a 42-year old 2D illustrator and a father of two who is new to the cryptocurrency world. He works in the day, spends time with his family at night, and enjoys learning about investing in crypto during his free time. He is frustrated with the cluttered navigation and confusing descriptions on cryptocurrency exchange websites. As a new investor, he is disappointed with the lack of transparency and access to basic information.

  • Simple layout that’s easy to understand and navigate
  • Have descriptions of each crypto when selected
  • Use words and terms that everyone can understand or define them
  • The exchange layouts are always complicated and too overwhelming to navigate
  • Lacking basic information of each coin
  • Intimidating complex financial jargon

User Journey Map

Goal: Purchase cryptocurrency with simple navigation and data visuals

A spreadsheet of the persona user journey steps for navigating  a cryptocurrency exchange

Design Process

The user group and competitive analysis revealed that cryptocurrency exchange websites are complicated, lack security or customer support, and often have messy layouts that do not have responsive web design.  To address these challenges, I focused on building an engaging, useful, and simple yet effective design to interact with cryptocurrency.


I created multiple paper wireframe iterations of the dashboard page adding focus on simplistic data visualization and navigation. I contemplated several different placements of the navigation bar for easy access but keeping it minimal for various screen sizes.

Ideating sketches in sharpie of Stash's mobile screens


My goal is to create an intuitive, reliable and exciting browsing experience for users when interacting with cryptocurrencies. Establishing a sitemap helped me construct an organized layout to tackle confusing navigation for users.

Image of the sitemap created in Adobe XD to establish navigation


Applying the sketches into digital wireframes helped me rearrange the visual elements displaying information and infographics to address user pain points. The prototype simulates a user flow of transferring a cryptocurrency and sending it to a mobile phone. Prioritizing a spacious, neat and convenient layout played a significant role in my strategy for the best user experience.

Desktop wireframe of Stash 's home dashboardDesktop wireframe of Stash 's home dashboard showing the transfer process of crypto
Mobile wireframe of Stash 's dashboard

Iterations and Solutions

Based on the usability study, participants identified three key findings from the low-fidelity prototype—readability, transaction functionality, and visual hierarchy. These insights were crucial in guiding my iterations and improvements made to the prototype. I refined the recent activity section and transfer flow by adding more contrast and information, to enhance the functionality and readability.

First wireframe iteration for sending the asset Solana
A curved arrow pointing to the right
Hi-fi prototype in the first steps for transferring cryptocurrency flow
First wireframe iteration of the dashboard activity section
A curved arrow pointing to the right
High fidelity wireframe iteration of the dashboard home page section

Data Visuals

Stash provides consistent data throughout each screen giving users the confidence to explore and make financial decisions with their cryptocurrency tokens. Conversions of crypto to fiat money or vice versa are always displayed in real time to inform the user and help complete desired transfers with minimum effort.

Screenshot of preparing to transfer and send Solana currency from the home page
Screenshot of the home page of Stash with a pop up chat bubble on the side


The color contrast from Stash's dark background draws attention to the content for smooth readability and clean appearance. Users can filter, search, change the time period and select the crypto assets to appear in a card layout to control the amount of visible data. I designed these features in mind to reduce confusion and the time spent researching.


Iconography's visual appeal was essential in helping users to understand Stash's content as easily recognizable features. Users can also receive assistance through the chat bubble icon for further support. Above all, I designed Stash to be seamlessly accessible on mobile devices for investors as it’s the most convenient and effective solution for trading coins on the go, especially in a volatile market.

Mobile screen of each cryptocurrency's segments on the home pageMobile display of the total value graph and visual data on the home page

The Results

Users expressed that Stash provides an exciting and smooth browsing experience to blockchain technology. I learned that element placement, visual hierarchy, and color can have a huge impact on the user experience, especially when displaying data. The most important takeaway for me is to always keep the user needs as the focal point so that when designing towards a solution the balance of creating functionality and information will follow. I plan to add micro interactions when hovering over different segments of the graph line that coincide with the price change and time.

Heart icon to represent user appreciation
Participants viewed the dashboard page as welcoming and straightforward
Of users felt confident in completing the transfer task without making mistakes
Thumbs up icon to represent the users' rating
All five participants rated the transfer steps as ‘very easy’ on a 5-point scale